Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring means a Sprain.

i recently had a little accident....and no i didnt pee my pants. a simple, very, very simple task, taking the mail to the mailbox. easy enough, right? not so much. for some reason my foot didnt plant correctly and all i heard was "POP"! i instantly started freaking out, i just kept saying "Its brooookkkkennn, its broken, sob, sob, scream, sob, its broken".

so once Josh scrapped me up off the ground and loaded me into the car, we went to the doctor. i mean, it was serious business there. they kept checking on us, brought in the delux supre-fly wheel chair with spinners on it, the whole deal. it was awesome. i kinda want to go back.

anyways, a few xrays later, no broken ankle. just a sprain (Thank GOD).

and im all set to go with my sweet air cast. i went back to work today and am feeling much better, needless to say...

im not taking the mail any more.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

i need to grow up...

i just wanted to say thanks to my sister Kelly for always doing my taxes. i am waaay not good at it and she always helps us out. and i mean, i know that she has tons of spare time in between three kids, a husband and lots of ballgames to attend...But anyways Thanks so much, maybe one day i will officially become an adult and can learn to do it myself.

love you :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Day Grace Wouldn't Stand Still....

Greetings from the other half of the Fay family. That's right it is I, Josh. and this is my first attempt at blogging. What occasion would be better than the birthday party of my niece, Grace. I know some of you may be wondering about the title... funny story. you see Grace has just begun walking and she was in full swing during her party. Walking from Melissa to Jared then back to Melissa again it was hard to keep up, luckily she could be in only one of two places. Anywho the party was great, Melissa did an awesome job on the decorations and Grace seemed to love all the presents she got. There was however a moment of stillness and that would be the birthday cake! Yes, we all expected to see her dive headfirst into the cake, but it seemed she was a little camera shy and decided to save her cake for a later date. All in all, the party was very fun and i got to see Grace in all her glory rummaging through presents and finding the tissue paper to be more of an adventure. So my shout outs go to my niece who knows that i will be there to spoil her on every b-day from here on out. Grace, i love you very much. And as for the blogging experience it wasn't that bad, criticisms are to be expected so let them rip next time you see me.

Camping vs The Ritz?

so i am a little behind on the blog. and i have been busy with lots of fun things going on, so i have been meaning to put up some pictures. however with me being gone a good bit recently, i have fallen off the blog wagon. hopefully, i can catch up! Not that it really matters, all my faithful readers (all 4 of you) usually know whats going on in my life without me having to blog.

The recent exciting adventure that we have had was camping! Me, Josh, Kendra, David, Becca and the dogs went camping in Mount Cheeha (or however you spell it). We loaded up the cars, packed our things we needed to survive the outdoors (beer and chips) and were on our way. Kendra and David brought the things that they felt were important...the tents. the fire wood. the bug spray. the sunscreen...you know. We had a blast and are glad that they are regular campers, we had no clue what we were doing. and the weather was PERFECT! Now, i will say it was fun but im not going to lie. By the next morning i was thinking to myself "where is the Ritz Carlton and room service".the dogs loved it though!