Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tweedle d and Twitter dumb

It is pretty sad when you are too lazy to get out of bed and get on the computer. So this morning I am blogging from my phone in my bed. I have been "twittering" lately and still don't have the hang of it? I'm a little confused by it all. All I can figure out is what Tony Hawk and Ryan Seacrest are up to. I don't really get the point of it. Hmmm...maybe I will keep at it. Happy Saturday
Early bird,

Friday, April 17, 2009


Easter was quick and fun. here are some photos.
thanks mama t for the delicious food on sunday and for letting us crash your weekend :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

forever young

let me just say that i am ever so grateful for the healthy kids in my life,

Alyssa Kelley
Anniston Kelley
Ayden Claire Kelley
Grace Fay
Haven Spruiell
Rileigh Weeks
Cooper Johnson
Brady Johnson
Jay Savage
Blake Sellers
Garrett Sellers
Meredith Cowart
Madison Cowart
Alexis Smith
Olivia Smith
Madison Watkins
Austin Watkins
thank you, thank you for these kiddos who make life so much more fun. (Not that i want kids anytime soon, but they really do make life better).


id rather go naked than wear fur. and yes, i really would.

This is from the "Id rather go naked than wear fur" campaign and wanted to share.

Help Stop the Cruel Fur Industry.
