Friday, February 1, 2008

ok. so i realize that this is only the second time "blogging" but i need to vent. we had a horrible dinner at a local mexican place...the food, the service and the drinks were great. the parents with their 15 children on the other hand, were not. this kid took perfectly fine chips, put them on the floor and repeatidly stomped on them. the entire time the parents did nothing. then the children almost got fajitas spilled all over them because they kept runnung into the waiters. seriously, the waiters hated this inconsiderate family. i have never been so bombarded by kids in my whole of them should have just sat with us. all the while, they screamed, jumped and poured their drinks out all over the table. i finally looked at one child and told him "You had better behave" with the big crazy eyes. the parents probably appreciated me scolding the child, therefore they didnt have to do it. and to top it off, one kid right before he was about to leave decided to inform us that he has just "gone number two" in the urinal. it was pretty interesting to say the least.