Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snow day and Baby Grace is almost here!

we had a few snow days last week and it was really fun to watch cooper play in it. He loved it and i got a few good pictures of him and wanted to post them. He was so cute in his way too small jacket (because dummy me put him in Bradys jacket instead of his) but he still had a blast.

Also, we got some snow at our house a few nights later and Sam really didnt know what to do with it. He thought it was pretty weird and since he is so little, he was just shivering the whole time and really wasnt interested in it. he was much happier to get back inside.

on another and very exciting note, our new niece Grace will be here on Tuesday! Josh is going down to be there the day of but unfortunately, i will miss out :( But, we are going to plan a trip in a few weeks when everything settles down for them to go see her! WE ARE SO EXCITED SHE IS ALMOST HERE!! We already have the camera charged and i have been talking to Josh and telling him how he needs to take as many pictures as possible (you know how men are...) so, hopefully he will get some good pictures to bring back. CANT WAIT! GOOD LUCK MELISSA AND JARED!