Sunday, May 25, 2008

ooooh Baby!!

Well, my sister Jennifer and her husband are having a baby!! She is due sometime in November and they have decided to keep the sex (when they find out) a secret. Which i think is exciting. She has told me that she feels GREAT and hasnt been sick or anything! The sisters (Kendra, Kelly and myself) decided to give the baby a nickname and we decided that "JULIO" would fit best. I dont really know why, but i have a feeling this kid, dispite the sex will forever be called Julio. And if not forever, at least until he or she is born :)
We wish them Good Health and Good Luck!! We cannot wait to meet little Julio and we we will be keeping them in our prayers! Congrats Jennifer and Billy!

"A grand adventure is about to begin".
- Winnie the Pooh

until next time...