Thursday, June 19, 2008

You may say im a dreamer...

my niece, Alyssa had her first swim meet today. of course, we attended and it was so much fun!! i cannot believe how well she did and when she broke out the butterfly like she had been doing it her whole life, i almost died! seriously, i was floored. On top of being super stoked about her new "talent", i was also a teensy-tiny-little bit envious. i can remember my very first swim practice..

i am guessing i showed a lot of interest in swimming after i found out my best friend Alexia was going to be on the city swim team. so my parents dropped me off. i can remember being so exited and nervous. when i arrived everyone had fancy one pieces, swim caps, speedo googles and bags for their towels. my parents (and myself) did not recieve the memo.

they brought me in a TWO PIECE with SUNFLOWERS all over it. seriously? are you kidding me?? I can remember to this day (and this day- Alexia and i were just talking about this today over the phone) being mortified. also, Alexia pointed and laughed before i could even get one foot in the door. however, i took it like a champ (well, not really...i couldnt leave, my parents had just dropped me off!). i jumped in and have been swimming ever since. and although the two piece was horrible, im glad i showed up.

Alyssa may or may not be a swimmer but after today i think she has a pretty good shot at it. and i was really excited to be there to help her put on her swim cap for the first time (for those of you who have never done this, it can be tricky) but she didnt even have one. so, i was a little bummed. and maybe today i was living out my dream through her a little... maybe? ;)

but whatever it is...swim, softball, cheerleading, dance, baton or basketball, i have a feeling i will be there for as many as possible.


kellykelley224 said...

you are so funny! i can imagine you in your sunflower swimsuit! :) love you, thanks for coming and being an awesome aunt!