Friday, September 5, 2008

"Seriously, It's like their Dialysis"

I very rarely write much about my oh so fabolous job...however, this is definitely blog worthy. Can i just say, TANOREXIA?
Some of you may not be familiar with this new found disease. And believe me, it is no laughing matter- my mom recently informed me that it has become an actual disease (again, this is not a joke). Basically, it is someone who HAS to tan...someone that is addicted to tanning.
I wish that i had my camera today to take pictures of the LINE OUT THE DOOR of girls (and some guys) waiting to get their tan on. Now, i love that they are there... These people keep a roof over our head! BUT!! at some point you would think that they would stop coming, right? Wrong!
You tell them:
"The wait for that bed is 78 minutes".
They say:
"sure! put my name down"!!
I just have never seen anything like it.

All the while, the girls that i work with are amazing so it makes the line out the door and 26 dirty tanning beds seem not so stressful.

Too funny...

until next time