Wednesday, October 22, 2008

just for fun!

15 Things...

15 Things You May Not (or Maybe You Do) Know About Me...

15. I have a severe back pain that will never go away. i have been telling my parents since i was 11 that my back and neck hurts, they always told me that it was "growing pains". really??? well, my doctor thinks differently. i am now doing special stretches, using ice packs and seeing him twice a week.

14. I hate roaches. actually, i am DEATHLY affraid of them. i would really rather stand on a toliet seat for two days than kill one. i have nightmares about these nasty, scary creatures. i cry when i see one.

13. I am NOT a math whiz. i suck at it. i am probably on a 3rd grade level in mathmatics.

12. I throw out the bad and keep the good.

11. I didn't have a blog until about a year ago.

10. I love shoes. I mean, i will have no winter clothes in my closet...BUT- i will have 25 pairs of shoes that look pretty in their clear boxes. I always buy 4 inch heels that i may wear once or twice a year. its my splurge. im not sure why either? im not that girly, i dont wear makeup or shop a lot...if i could own a pair of jimmy choos, i could die a happy women.

9. I don't vote party. i actually have no clue who i am voting for. i am just going to wing it...

8. My secret wish is that i could have lots of farm animals. especially a horse.

7. I am a good sales person. i really am. if you are ever unsure of making a purchase, call me. i can always talk someone into buying something.

6. I am great at being an aunt. i know this because my two nieces that can talk, tell me how cool i am. :)

5. I love to swim!

4. I haven't been sad lately.

3. I LOVE to look at pets on

2. I am terrified of roaches and sharks.

1. I probably need some jimmy choos for christmas, at least that is what i keep telling myself.