Friday, June 26, 2009

tv these days

First off, I'm really sad about MJ dying. I love his music, i loved dancing to his music and i especially love singing his music way to loud in my car. terrible...

second, have you noticed how ridiculous Oprah has gotten lately? I am over her. she (for some reason) plucks the last hair on my head when i watch her show. I'm considering getting the direct TV cut off for good...but then i would miss TORI AND DEAN (which is the only thing i want to watch any more) and i DO NOT miss T and D.

It comes on every Tuesday night and i start watching it around 7 pm and usually don't finish until 12 am. I am absolutely obsessed. I'm not sure why either. i never really watched 90210. but i HAVE to have it. it all started with a "preview" that Direct TV did. They allowed us to have the oxygen channel one night for 4 hours. I was all excited and even told josh about it. then, i go to turn it on the next night and its gone. AWESOME! i immediately got Direct TV on the phone and almost raised hell. Charles (the nice employee for Direct TV), explained to me the situation and continued to tell me how i could go about getting the oxygen channel. i told him that i really didn't care how much extra it was, that i needed Tori and Dean. No matter what the cost. Good to find out, it is only 5 dollars extra a month plus 49 other channels. I guess it is one of lifes guilty pleasures. or maybe i am just crazy?

oh, and my friend is writing a book based off of her blog. here is her link.

and it is not PG so do not let your kids read.

Have a great weekend.


aaananny7 said...

i am so mad too about michael jackson dying... my heart hurts.. i don't know exactly why... it just hurts... in the same way when Elvis died...

i found out about it in a really strange way... i was at work and i heard a girl in pharmacy paging our manager to call the pharmacy...well, he obviously didn't call right away, so they paged him to "call the pharmacy immediately!!!" i thought there was some great emergency with a customer or something....later on, when kim (who works in pharmacy) was leaving for the day... i asked her what was going on... she told me that sasha, the pharmacist on duty, had been listening to the radio and had heard that MJ had died... "SIDE NOTE: Our store manager used to be a DJ in Chicago, IL for some years...he can tell you every song title, who the singer is, and the year the song came out... he is awesome!! Sasha knew this news would be devastating to him....

anyway, this is how i found out about it... it was surreal...i cried... i talked about it and told my customers about it... it hurt my heart cause MJ was part of my life... my experience on this earth... Man in the Mirror is my favorite of all his songs...for the past few days, i have been watching youtube videos of him... Motown 25 especially... God bless his children... this is all really weird and has affected so many people...strange how people have such an affect on your life... God bless Michael Jackson... God bless his children... God bless all who mourn this strange man who touched so many....