Tuesday, February 10, 2009

oh baby!

josh told me tonight that he "wanted to have babies with me"....

my response was, "Heck NO! hold on there speedy".

and to be blunt, i think he just meant "lets practice"...

anywho. i am thinking that if we do have a baby we should name him or her, Popeye. i know it seems weird but i saw a movie once where the kids name was, Popeye. and for some reason...it stuck. so, for all you aunts and uncles out there, you may have a little POPEYE soon or later (and by later, i mean...within the next 8 years).

im pretty sure that we both are ANTI (Our OWN) kids for a while. but, it is nice to dream. our babies are very furry and have four legs, but to me thats the best kind... here is a picture of our next dog. (Snow, is what we hope to name him/her)
kovic our st. bernard in the snow Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, February 8, 2009

we were mexicans in our other life.

so another year older and man does time fly! i recently had my birthday and for those of you asking..."how old were you???" well...
im not telling.

ask my sister, Kelly. She (for some reason) thought i was actually younger than i really am! i love her for that :)

the kelley klan came for dinner and brought me a cookie cake! my mom came for the festivities and so did kendra and david. we went out to eat for mexican and had some margaritas. we finished the night off by coming back to the house and eating some cake, then all the excitment happened...wait for it...wait for it....

i fell asleep.

thats right! i crashed! but, we still had a great time! i ate waaaaay too much and had lots of fun.

oh, i think i forgot to mention! josh, the man of great things, bought me some very special jewelry. he gave me a set of mignon faget earrings and a necklace (look closely in the pics and you can see them!) which this is very important to note because it was exactly what i had said i wanted back during xmas. very thoughtful.

i also got lots of nice voicemails, emails, facebook messages and cards for my birthday! thanks to everyone.

here are some pictures.
*we got sleeping bags, LSwhoo for Josh and Auburn for me. so...of course we had to test them out. very exciting*

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Things and Thangs"

I am a firm believer in "it all happens for a reason". however, it seems like we are going through a rut right now. i was thinking to myself today, "why is this all happening to us"? And i SWEAR God spoke to me.

i have nothing to complain about. yes, my back hurts day in and day out. yes, i want a bigger house, bigger yard. yes, i want another dog to call my own. yes, i want a new car (not wrecked preferably), YES, i WANT a pair of jimmy choos, Yes, i want these "things". and although i WANT all these things, i also want...

i want a healthy family. i want my sisters/brothers, my life, to be happy and healthy. i want my husband to finish his degree in exactly what he wants to finish in. i want my nieces (Alyssa, Anniston, Ayden Claire, Rileigh, Grace and Haven) to always be well and know that i am here for them. i want my boys (Cooper and Brady) in Conway, Arkansas to know that i WILL be at their highschool graduation. i want my friends to know that they are family to me. i want my dad and mom to know that i appreciate them. i want the people that i work with to know that i need every single one of them and that they are the strength that holds me together. i want so many things. and i have figured out...you just have to decide which "things" are MOST important.

im stressed right now dealing with house inspectors, insurance companies and a broken computer. but, i realize how lucky i am. i have wonderful inlaws, amazing grandparents, aunts that i hope to be half as good as, friends that would die for me and drive miles and miles to be there for me, dogs that love me even if i forget to take them to the park on Sundays and MOSTLY... a husband that respects me and knows that i am his best friend through thick and thin. i am only whole because of josh fay. he has made me who i have always wanted to be. he has has had faith in me that i have never seen in myslef. not only is he a man of great things, he is a man of God. i am soooooo lucky to have these things in my life, others would die for.

i have never known such a "sistership" that i know with my own sisters. if i could not talk to them tomorrow, something would be very wrong. and today, i can talk to them and everything is okay. i do not know anyone as close as we are, they are my heart. they are the people that i look up to. when i am with them, i know that i am in the right spot, exactly where i am supposed to be. i am forever grateful for them.

i am obviously being taken care of with the people in my life. i have deceided to let the small things pass, let the worries disappear, and let the most IMPORTANT things in life lead the way.

so, now that i have gotten all my feelings out- i feel much better. thanks for reading! until next time...<3