Tuesday, February 10, 2009

oh baby!

josh told me tonight that he "wanted to have babies with me"....

my response was, "Heck NO! hold on there speedy".

and to be blunt, i think he just meant "lets practice"...

anywho. i am thinking that if we do have a baby we should name him or her, Popeye. i know it seems weird but i saw a movie once where the kids name was, Popeye. and for some reason...it stuck. so, for all you aunts and uncles out there, you may have a little POPEYE soon or later (and by later, i mean...within the next 8 years).

im pretty sure that we both are ANTI (Our OWN) kids for a while. but, it is nice to dream. our babies are very furry and have four legs, but to me thats the best kind... here is a picture of our next dog. (Snow, is what we hope to name him/her)
kovic our st. bernard in the snow Pictures, Images and Photos